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Pre-Conference Special: International Matchmaking Diagnostics

On the first conference day we invite you to an International Matchmaking with organized 1:1 meetings in thematic groups. The target group are users and providers from industry and science in diagnostics and related fields.

Meeting partners will be matched individually according to their interests and preferred meeting partners. The matchmaking will be well-prepared and accompanied by the BioLAGO team with the help of an online matching tool to ensure that all participants get the most out of their meetings. The matchmaking is completed by a networking lunch for all participants at the end of the event.

If you are looking for new collaborations and contacts, you are right here.

Please note that the number of tickets for the matchmaking event is limited to 50 persons.


VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Parallel 1:1 meetings
Moderation: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, BioLAGO
12.30 Networking Lunch
13.00 Networking with all participants
13.30 Conference Registration, Exhibition & Networking
14.00 Conference Start

To get some Impressions from our Matchmaking Event you can check out our YouTube channel here.


Bettina Baumann
Manager Matchmaking
Byk-Gulden-Str. 2
78467 Konstanz, Germany
T.: +49 7531 71409 14