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Pitch Competition

Present your ideas on stage!

This year’s conference is getting more interactive with the feature: "Pitch session". Every attendee can submit innovative ideas for better diagnostics. Voted by the participants, the 5 most brilliant contributions get the chance for a pitch presentation on stage on 2nd conference day.
Whether graduate, researcher, clinician, start-up or experienced company - everyone can take part.

General guidelines 2024

• All registered participants are admitted to the pitch competition (except speakers).
• Ideas shall be forwarded using the Idea card template
• Your contribution shall relate to one of the main topics of the conference:

    - AI & Digital Diagnostics for Cancer
    - IVDR: challenges & solutions for manufacturers, diagnostic laboratories and for self-testing
    - Combating Antibiotic Resistance
    - Diagnosing Allergies

    Winners of the Pitch Competition 2022 in the background

Application procedure 2024

• Idea card to be submitted via e-mail to until Oct. 14 23:59h or posted during conference. Submitted proposals will be placed on a white board on-site.

Voting process 2024

Oct. 16-17.: All participants vote according to their preferences using sticker points.
Oct. 17 at 12.15h: On stage announcement of the voted Top5 during Session 4, Oct. 17th at 12.15h.
Pitch presentations 2024
Oct. 17 at 14.00h: The voted Top5 will present their ideas in conference session 5. Scheduled are 5 min. pitch + 3 min. for individual discussion.
Smile! Photo date for the Top5 pitchers right after the session.

Chair of the competition:
Prof. Dr. David Drissner, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University & board member BioLAGO e.V.
You want to submit an idea?
Idea card template (to be filled out in English)

If there are questions, please contact us!

We’re looking forward to your contributions,
Your conference team

The Conference Pitch Competition 2024 is supported by


Michael Statnik
Byk-Gulden-Str. 2
78467 Konstanz, Germany
T.: +49 7531 71409 12